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How to jump to a specific time via URL parameters

If you want to provide a link to your viewers so that it will automatically jump them to a specific time in your video, then this is how you do it using URL parameters!

The parameter to achieve this is the ?fromTime= parameter, the value will always need to be expressed in seconds. For example, if you want to jump your viewers to the 1-minute mark, your link will look something like this:

Keep in mind:

  1. If the value of ?fromTime= is a valid value (a positive integer), then the viewer will be sent to that specific time on your video
  2. If the value of ?fromTime= exceeds the total duration of the video, then the viewer will be sent to the end of the video
  3. If the value of ?fromTime= is 0 or any "dummy" value (anything that isn't a positive integer), then the invalid query parameter (?fromTime=ANY_DUMMY_VALUE) will be removed from the URL and playback will start from the beginning of the video