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What is my Embed ID?

Your embed ID is a unique identifier inside your embed code for an individual video.

The rest of your embed code stays pretty much the same for all videos, so if you want to edit an embed code and change the video it displays, without changing the entire code, you can simply change your embed ID within it.

If you ever want to edit your embed code manually and place a new embed ID in the same code, you'd need to replace it from these 3 spots in your original embed code (look for [EMBED_ID] in this example):

<div id="vidalytics_embed_[EMBED_ID]" style="width: 100%; position:relative; padding-top: 56.25%;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function (v, i, d, a, l, y, t, c, s) {
y='_'+d.toLowerCase();c=d+'L';if(!v[d]){v[d]={};}if(!v[c]){v[c]={};}if(!v[y]){v[y]={};}var vl='Loader',vli=v[y][vl],vsl=v[c][vl + 'Script'],vlf=v[c][vl + 'Loaded'],ve='Embed';
if (!vsl){vsl=function(u,cb){
vsl(l+'loader.min.js',function(){if(!vli){var vlc=v[c][vl];vli=new vlc();}vli.loadScript(l+'player.min.js',function(){var vec=v[d][ve];t=new vec();;});});
})(window, document, 'Vidalytics', 'vidalytics_embed_[EMBED_ID]', '[USER_ID]/[EMBED_ID]/');